Washington, D.C., September 4, 2020
Today, following the end of an unprecedented legislative session in California, Brady urges Governor Gavin Newsom to sign five, gun violence prevention bills and two bills on policing into law. When signed, these much-needed policies will work to ensure the safety of all Californians. These measures address the complex problems of gun violence through comprehensive solutions. By enacting new evidence-based policies, reforming existing systems and improving regulations and procedures, these bills will reduce the impact of gun violence throughout the state.
These changes complement California’s increased funding for community violence prevention efforts included in the state’s 2020-2021 budget and already signed by Gov. Newsom. That funding protected and increased funding for the California Violence Intervention and Prevention Grant Program (CalVIP), which supports evidence-based urban violence prevention programs such as hospital and community-based violence interventions. These programs are proven to reduce the incidence of homicides, shootings, and aggravated assaults, especially in communities of color, often black communities, that are disproportionately affected by gun violence.
Brady President Kris Brown shared:
“Despite an unprecedented global pandemic that has affected every facet of daily life and government, the California State Legislature remained focused on preventing gun violence this year. Brady is grateful to the legislature and to Gov. Newsom for maintaining funding for CALVIP, which will fund needed and evidence-based violence interruption programs across the state. We call on the Governor to act with this same prudent foresight and sign these bills that will prevent gun violence in all of its forms and help to improve policing in California. Californians have asked for these reforms and their duly elected legislature has acted. Throughout his career, Governor Newsom has proven himself a steadfast champion in his work to prevent gun violence, which is why Brady strongly urges him to make these bills law.”
Brady Program Manager Steve Lindley, the former Chief of the California Department of Justice’s Bureau of Firearms, shared:
“The policies passed by the California State Legislature are essential components in California’s on-going effort to prevent gun violence in all of its forms. From new technology requirements for semiautomatic pistols to a bill respecting extreme risk protection orders instituted in other states to a bill that will ensure gun dealers act responsibly, these bills build upon and strengthen California’s existing gun violence prevention laws and regulations. As a former law enforcement officer and chief of the Bureau of Firearms, I’ve seen the effects that such changes to our laws can have on community violence and crime. These policies, as well as new laws to fund community-led emergency responses when law enforcement officers aren’t necessary and to ban the use of dangerous chokeholds will help reduce violence in our state. Gov. Newsom must sign all of these bills.”
Brady California Legislative Chair Amanda Wilcox shared:
“I have seen many successes and setbacks in my over fifteen years working on gun violence prevention in California. The bills passed in this legislative session are undoubtedly a resounding success in the effort to reduce and prevent gun violence in our state. These bills must become law. Sadly, examples of why we need these policies already exist. One bill, in particular, requiring the verification of a hunting license for a gun purchase could have prevented the deadly mass shooting in Poway, last year. Similarly, Assemblymember Gabriel’s bill making all Gun Violence Restraining Orders enforceable in California will help to ensure that individuals who are a proven risk to themselves or others temporarily do not possess weapons. These policies will save lives and I call on Gov. Newsom to sign them into law at once.”
During the 2020 State Legislative Session, Brady supported the following bills that are now waiting for Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signature:
AB 2847 - Introduced by Assemblymember David Chiu (D-San Francisco), AB 2847 eases existing microstamping requirements to just one location, making it entirely feasible for gun manufacturers to comply and to introduce safer and better guns in California. This law will insure that newly introduced handguns have certain consumer safety features and microstamps that mark bullet casings with information to help law enforcement identify shooters and gun traffickers to catch them before they do more harm.
AB 2617 - Introduced by Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (D-Encino), AB 2617 will further protect those in crisis and all Californians by making out-of-state Extreme Risk Orders Enforceable in California.
AB 2362 - Introduced by Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance), AB 2362 will allow the California Department of Justice to impose fines on firearm sellers for violations to ensure that gun dealers engage in safe and responsible business practices.
SB 914 - Introduced by Senator Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada Flintridge), SB 914 will require the California Department of Justice and gun dealers to confirm the validity of hunting licenses for rifle buyers younger than age 21 during the 10-day waiting period. This bill was introduced in direct response to the 2019 mass shooting in Poway, where a teenage shooter obtained a firearm with an invalid hunting license.
AB 2061 - Introduced by Assemblymember Monique Limón (D-Santa Barbara), AB 2061 will allow the California Department of Justice to inspect firearms dealers, ammunition vendors, or manufacturers participating in a gun show or event in order to ensure that all transfers or sales are conducted in compliance with applicable state and local laws.
AB 1196 - Introduced by Assemblymember Mike Gipson (D-Carson), AB 1196 bans the use of chokeholds and carotid restraints statewide by law enforcement.
AB 2054 - Introduced by Assemblymember Sydney Kamlager (D-Los Angeles), AB 2054 establishes the Community Response Initiative to Strengthen Emergency Systems (CRISES) which will fund community-led emergency responses to be available when law enforcement officers aren’t necessary. The CRISES Act directs the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) to administer millions of dollars in grants to community organizations in at least ten counties over the next three years.