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Learn about our priority legislation: AB 1191

The Problem

According to the Author: "If we are to reduce gun violence in California, our main focus must be on the upstream source of crime guns from irresponsible dealers who profit off of the sales of firearms that infiltrate communities across the state, and in particular, impacted communities of color.

Most gun dealers in California sell guns responsibly, with every effort to comply with federal, state, and local law; however, a small minority of gun dealers supply the criminal market: about 5% of gun dealers are responsible for about 90% of recovered crime guns nationwide.

"In California, the effect of access to these trafficked firearms in communities of color cannot be understated: black men make up less than 4% of the state's population, yet they represent over 30% of the gun homicide victims; black men between the ages of 18 and 24 are more than 18 times as likely as while men of the same age to be murdered with a gun; and black children and teens are seven times as likely as white children to die by a gun.

The Solution

AB 1191, introduced by Assemblymember Kevin McCarty, will require California’s Department of Justice (CA DOJ) to analyze the crime gun data it has to determine trends and patterns related to how crime guns are sold and trafficked, and to provide an annual firearms tracing report to the California State Legislature. This system will provide invaluable insight and a better understanding about how crime guns are being diverted into the criminal market. By identifying irresponsible or negligent firearms dealers that prioritize profit over public safety, California’s legislature can properly address a root cause of gun violence that disproportionately impacts communities of color.

Urge Gov. Newsom: Make AB 1191 Law!

Use the form to send an email message to Gov. Newsom urging him to sign AB 1191 into law. This life-saving legislation would stop the illegal flow of crime guns and hold reckless gun dealers accountable for breaking the law.